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Since our nation was founded in 1776, we have been blessed with freedoms unique to the United States of America. Our Founders understood that safeguarding our Democratic Republic from domestic abuse and foreign attack would require a nation built on sacrifice and faith.     

Our nation has been blessed with notable figures and organizations who never waiver in their effort to continue an open, common-sense dialog needed to maintain a healthy nation. We hope you agree that our Food for Thought links will help you discern the truth about the policies and events challenging our country.  

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Krauthammer - A Legacy for Our Time

Our nation has been blessed with many great contributors to ideals based on faith and common sense.


Among them was Charles Krauthammer. According to Wikipedia, he was an American political columnist. A moderate liberal who turned independent conservative as a political pundit, Krauthammer won the Pulitzer Prize for his columns in The Washington Post in 1987. His weekly column was syndicated to more than 400 publications worldwide.


It is only appropriate that Neighbors United has dedicated this page to him. 

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Everyone is biased — and that's okay. There's no such thing as unbiased news. But hidden media bias misleads, manipulates and divides us. So everyone should learn how to spot media bias.

AllSides empowers you to understand the role media bias plays in the news and information you consume. The AllSides Media Bias Ratings™ and AllSides Media Bias Chart™ help make news bias transparent, allowing you to identify different perspectives and political leanings so you can get the full picture and think for yourself.

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